Why did the Belgians create a rigid system of racial classification?
They created that racial classification system because they wanted to strengthen their control, and they needed a system in order to divide a united Rwanda into three different groups.
Which group of people did the Belgians think were a superior group? Why did they think they were a superior group?
The Belgians thought the Tutsis were a superior group because they were more, "white". Not in their appearance, just the way of life.
Which group declared an independent republic in 1959?
The Hutus declared independence after violence between them and the Tustsis erupted.
What was the name of the first Hutu president?
His name was Habyarimana.
Did the Hutu leadership end the system of racial classification?
No, they absolutely did not. If anything, they made it so way worse, and even took it to the level of the genocide of the Tutsis.